Saturday 28 April 2018

Family of Avicii confirms death was a suicide: 'He wanted to find peace'

The cause of Avicii's death at 28 was suicide, the late artist's family confirmed Thursday.

Tim Bergling, known worldwide as hitmaker Avicii, reportedly left a note upon his April 20 death.

"Our beloved Tim was a seeker, a fragile artistic soul searching for answers to existential questions,” the Bergling family says in a new statement translated from Swedish. "He really struggled with thoughts about meaning, life, happiness. He could not go on any longer."

When Avicii stopped touring in 2016 due to health issues related to excessive drinking, "he wanted to find a balance in life to be happy and be able to do what he loved most — music," the statement continues. "Tim was not made for the business machine he found himself in; he was a sensitive guy who loved his fans but shunned the spotlight."

The family also notes that he was an "over-achieving perfectionist" who struggled to handle the extreme stress tied to his massively successful career.

EDM Stars Pay Tribute to Avicii After His Death

In death, "he wanted to find peace," the statement reads. "Tim, you will forever be loved and sadly missed. The person you were and your music will keep your memory alive."

News of Avicii's sudden death in Muscat, Oman rocked the music industry and his fans around the world.

Stars react to Avicii's death at 28

Alfie, terminally ill British boy taken off life support, dies: Father 

Alfie Evans, the terminally ill British child who gained international attention due to a series of court cases surrounding his removal from life support, has died, according to his family.
Thomas Evans, the father of 23-month-old Alfie, announced his son had died in a Facebook post at about 6 a.m. British time.
The post already had over 41,000 interactions and 23,000 shares within an hour of Thomas Evans' posting the news. Thomas wrote, "My gladiator lay down his shield and gained his wings at 02:30." 

Alfie suffered from a neurodegenerative disease that ravaged his brain and left him hospitalized in aneonatal intensive care unit in Liverpool since December 2016. The hospital decided in December 2017 there was no chance for recovery and moved to remove Alfie from life support -- a decision challenged in court by his parents. The court sided with the hospital.
Despite objections from his parents, Thomas and Kate, doctors at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital removed Alfie from life support on Monday. The boy continued to breathe on his own, but his parents and their supporters worried the decision would end his life.
Terminally-ill British boy Alfie Evans becomes rallying point for US conservatives
The case drew the attention of Pope Francis, who offered to fly the child to Rome and care for him at a hospital in the Vatican. They even went as far as to grant Alfie Italian citizenship so he could remain in the country.

Alfie had even gathered supporters in the United States, including many prominent conservatives.
“It is a sad irony that while the people of the UK are busy celebrating a royal birth, its government is brushing off a commoner’s right to life,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, tweeted earlier this week in reference to the birth of the Princess Kate and William's baby and Alfie's removal from life support.
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich took up support for Alfie's parents as well, tweeting, "The British government’s decisions to allow two critically ill babies to die in two years is a natural reflection of the culture of death and the steady increase in totalitarian tendencies among Western governments."
Gingrich was referring to the death Charlie Gard, who died in July 2017, in a similar case to Alfie's. 

Serena Williams' daughter spotted out with her agent (Photos)

Serena Williams daughter, Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr. was also out to support her mom at the premiere of her HBO documentary 'Being Serena' in New York on Wednesday night.
Lil Alexis who wore a lovely red dress to the event was spotted leaving the Time Warner Center with her agent, Jill Smoller.
See more photos below. 

See stunning red carpet photos from 2018 Billboard Latin Award

On Thursday,  the 2018 Billboard Latin Music Awards took place at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas.
The award show was attended by several  Latino celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Luis Fonsi,  Daddy Yankee, Maluma and Ozuna top among many others.
Here are red carpet photos from the event below.

Kenya bans 'Rafiki’; a lesbian love story film 

Kenyan authorities have banned a film that tells the love story of two women on the grounds that it promotes lesbianism but activists said the ban would only promote interest in the movie.  

Rafiki”, a word that means friend in KiSwahili, was this week invited to premiere at the May Cannes Film festival the first Kenyan film to receive such an invite.  The Kenya Film Classification Board announced the ban on Friday and said in a tweet: “Anyone found in its possession will be in breach of law”, referring to a colonial-era Kenyan law under which gay sex is punishable by 14 years in jail.

Board spokeswoman Nelly Muluka tweeted: “Our culture and laws recognise family as the basic unit of society.  “The (board) cannot, therefore, allow lesbian content to be accessed by children in Kenya.”  

Film director Wanuri Kahiu said: “I’m really disappointed because Kenyans already have access to watch films that have LGBT content, on Netflix, and in international films shown in Kenya and permitted by the classification board itself. So to them just ban a Kenyan film because it deals with something already happening in society just seems like a contradiction,” she told Reuters.  

The ban represents a reversal by the board whose head, Ezekiel Mutua, praised the film earlier this month. “It is a story about the realities of our time and the challenges that our kids are facing especially with their sexuality,” he said on privately-owned HOT 96 FM radio. 

Lady reportedly runs mad after she was dropped off by a man in Imo State of Nigeria 

The lady in this video that has since gone viral, allegedly ran mad after she came down from the car of a man who dropped her off somewhere in Owerri, Imo state Nigeria last night. Twitter user @Nell who shared the story wrote
''This happened few hours ago in Owerri.. this babe was dropped by a guy and she ran mad immediately she came down

Will Prince Louis inspire a baby-naming trend? 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte have seen their names rise in popularity. 
The wait is over, and the name of Prince William and Kate Middleton's son has finally been revealed.
The royal couple have named their third child Louis Arthur Charles, Kensington Palace revealed via Twitter Friday.
The prince will be known as His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge and is fifth in line to the throne, behind Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince George, and Princess Charlotte.
No doubt the announcement of the name will trigger a flurry of little boys named Louis.
It certainly wouldn’t be the first time royal babies have had an impact on the popularity of baby names.
The newborn’s big brother, George, and sister, Charlotte, have already proved that they have the golden touch, with practically everything they wear turning into a trend. (Prince George even boosted lentil sales once!)
With the new royal taking the name Louis, the moniker is likely to spike in popularity.
And their names are no exception — in the U.K., at least.
The Office for national statistics (ONS) has shown that the births of Prince George and Princess Charlotte were followed by a spike in popularity for those names.
The 2016 ONS report — the most recent on file — listed George as the third most popular name for boys in England and Wales.
That’s significantly up from the 10th-place spot it had in 2013; the prince was born in July of that year. By 2014 the name George was seventh, and in 2015 it was fourth. (In the U.S. from 2013 to 2014, it jumped 24 places.)
Royal fever also hit after Princess Charlotte was born in May 2015, with the name rising 13 places in one year to occupy the 12th spot in her homeland. (Stateside, Charlotte has been in the top 10 since 2014 and currently stands as the eighth most popular name for girls.)
It made Charlotte one of the highest-climbing names in 2016, with more than 2,600 babies being named after the little princess that year. 

Meghan has been predicted to be a top baby name because of the “Meghan Markle effect.” 
Another soon-to-be royal who has seen her name rise in popularity is bride-to-be Meghan Markle.
Not only has the “Meghan Markle effect” led to outfits she wears being sold out, her moniker has also inspired the nation’s next generation of children.
Last year, U.K. parenting resource Mother and Baby reported that Meghan now ranks sixth in the top predicted names for girls in 2018.
So why do we love royal names so much?
“Just like a company given a royal warrant sees a sales boost, names given a royal seal of approval see a popularity surge,” explains channel mum, baby names expert S.J. Strum. “Parents view royal names as prestigious, thoughtful, and timeless, which are desirable traits for any child to carry through life.
“Every parent wants a name their child can be proud of, and unless you are vehemently anti-royalist, a royal name is always classic and fits well into any walk of life,” she added. “Indeed, you could even say a royal name is a child’s crowning glory.” 
Prince George and Princess Charlotte kicked off a royal effect in baby names.
If that’s true, we’d better brace ourselves for a Louis invasion. Currently, the name is a relatively low No. 298 in terms of boys' name for 2018 in the U.S. In England and Wales, it stood at No. 71 in the 2016 ONS report.

Friday 27 April 2018


CRAZY!!!! Kim Kardashian goes completely naked.. (18+ Photos) 

Kim Kardashian has gone completely naked in new photos to promote her new fragrance line.
The mother-of-three has gone naked a number of times in the past but she mostly tried to keep her genitals hidden. This time, she let it all out in a bid to promote the KKW Fragrance.
She also shared a photo of herself in silicone gel and revealed it was to mold her body and make it into a perfume bottle.

She wrote: "We took a mold of my body and made it a perfume bottle. @kkwfragrance"
See the explicit photos below. 

This is crazy and insane!

Patient dies after surgeon pauses mid-surgery to take a selfie with her breasts (photo)

A patient has died of heart failure after her plastic surgeon paused during a breast lift surgery to take selfies with her bare breasts.
Mother of two Ekaterina Kiseleva, 32, was a patient of Moscow’s most fashionable plastic surgeons Grigory Perekrestov, 31. Grigory was well known for posing for selfies with his bare-breasted patients at his Triumph Palace clinic.
During the surgery, Ekaterina suffered a heart failure and died but her mother Evgenia said she died due to negligence. A criminal investigation has been launched following complaints from the patient’s moth
She said:
All our complaints are deleted, our calls are ignored. We are in despair. We are killed, our life is over. Our whole family is cut to the root. A beautiful, healthy, intelligent woman entrusted these monsters to remove her defect. They took away not only money from her, but also life, which she gave entirely to her children and her work.
Evgenia alleged that the anaesthetist Zeinal Nedzhafov, 24, left before her daughter woke up, "flouting regulations".
Ekaterina had defied her family to have the five-hour breast lift surgery costing £1,830, after receiving assurances it was safe.
"My daughter was completely healthy," Evgenia said.

She continued: "There were no resuscitation facilities in this clinic. As I later learned, the administrator first called in a cardiologist when problems arose. She ran with her child from home, tried to restart my daughter’s heart, but with no result. Only then did they call an ambulance."
She claims her daughter was dead two hours before she was told.
Neither Dr. Grigory nor anaesthetist Nedzhafov has commented on the death.
A criminal case has been launched by the Russian Investigative Committee which handles serious crimes, a spokesman confirmed.

25-year-old Pakistani-Italian woman allegedly killed by her family for refusing arranged marriage 

The father, a brother and an uncle of Sana Cheema, a 25-year-old Italian of Pakistani origin killed in Pakistan on April 18, have been arrested over her murder.
The young woman is believed to have been killed for refusing an arranged marriage.
Pakistani authorities on Monday, said they were investigating Cheema's death.
Cheema, who became an Italian citizen in September after living for years in the northern city of Brescia, had returned to her birth country two months ago where she died of "natural causes", according to reports from Pakistan.
However, members of the Pakistani community in Italy have said she was "killed by her father and brother because she refused an arranged marriage".

Local media outlets also said she had a boyfriend in Brescia.
Raza Asif, the national secretary of the Pakistani community in Italy, on Sunday said prosecutors in the Pakistani district of Gujarat, where the young woman died, are investigating and "we will know the truth in 48 hours"
The Italian foreign ministry is following the case through its embassy in Islamabad.
Cheema had opened an automotive office in Brescia but shut it down at the end of last year.
The Pakistani community in Brescia received a medical certificate stating that the young woman was taken to hospital on April 11 after feeling unwell, reportedly due to a heart attack.
They also said that her father and brother had not been arrested, as previously claimed by unconfirmed reports. 


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